About us
The platform
FiberTech Lille is a technological platform dedicated to the manufacture of innovative optical fibers.
It comes from the Photonics team of the PhLAM laboratory under the dual supervision of the University of Lille and the CNRS. Since 2007, it is mainly located in the IRCICA building of the European Science Park of Haute-Borne.
It is a world-class tool that concentrates many original equipment manufacturing, characterization and modeling of optical fibers that make it a unique site in France and around the world. It studies the light-guiding properties of new optical fibers to produce innovative fiber components.

The FiberTech Lille team is made up of specialists in material synthesis (glasses, polymers, etc.), glass drawing and fiberization, their structural or optical characterizations and their functionalizations for linear and non-linear photonics:
- 6 Permanent Engineers and Assistant Engineers,
- 5 Researchers and Teachers / Associate Researchers,
- 6 Fixed-term contracts for Engineers and Assistant Engineers.
FiberTech Lille is located within the IRCICA: Service and Research Unit.
It has a privileged location on the CNRS scientific park of Haut Borne, a center of excellence of the Lille metropolis in the fields of research, development and innovation.
Adress: IRCICA
Parc Scientifique de la Haute Borne
50 Avenue Halley
59658 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex-BP 70478