The platform

FiberTech Lille is a technological platform dedicated to the manufacture of innovative optical fibers.
It comes from the Photonics team of the PhLAM laboratory under the dual supervision of the University of Lille and the CNRS. Since 2007, it is mainly located in the IRCICA building of the European Science Park of Haute-Borne.
Contact us
Andy Cassez
+33 (0)3 62 53 16 45
Director Fibertech Lille
Reseach engineer
PhLAM Photonics Team Member
Call for projects

FiberTech Lille is always looking for new partners.
It puts its expertise and know-how at the disposal of its collaborators and the service of companies.
It wishes to share and acquire new knowledge and skills by offering partnership research services and by participating in the development of new concepts, improving the performance of a product and its manufacturing process.
It welcomes project leaders in the context of technological validation, material support and scientific support in line with the platform's development strategy.
The objectives of these collaborations are the realization of technology transfers and the founding of start-ups.