The technological platform dedicated to the manufacture of innovative optical fibers
Optical fibers
FiberTech Lille fibers develops all kinds of fiber types and components: such as amplifying fibers and amplifiers, fibers and components for fiber lasers, medical, bio-photonic and microfluidic components as well as sensors for optical fiber.
- Infinitely monomode fiber.
- Fiber with strong birefringence.
- Broad fiber mode maintain polarization.
- and 5. Fiber with high numerical aperture.
- Fiber for the sensor.
- Fiber for non-linear endoscopy.
- and 4. Transport fiber.
- Fiber with high numerical aperture.
- Fiber for nonlinear endoscopy without distal optics (so-called output).
- Fiber for nonlinear endoscopy without a lens (or twisted fiber).
- Fiber air silica Yb (Ytterbium) double sheath.
- Pixelated Bragg Fiber maintain polarization.
- BIP fiber 2D heterostructured double sheath.
- Fiber with amplification X modes.
- Fiber with amplification Y modes.
Fiber for parametric amplifier, SuperContinuum bounded.
Flat mode, spatial formatting